• The change in this version is not visible to the user but it is important since otherwise the url assignment in the functions would give errors. This is because the parliament website incorporated a pdf viewer on the page.
  • A function is added (speech_rollcall()) to detect roll-call votes from parliamentary speeches.
  • The argument days is added to the function speech_url()
  • {tabulizer} functions are replaced by {tm} functions.
  • change dplyr::bind_rows() for do.call(rbind, .)
  • change dplyr::mutate() for transform()
  • typeof legislature variable now is numeric in speech::speech_recompiler()
  • typeof date variable now is date
  • The value of the compiler_by argument in the speech_recompailer() function is modified. Before: c("legislator", "legislature", "chamber", "party"), now: c("legislator", "legislature", "chamber", "date", "id")