Detects roll-call in floor speeches and converts them to a dataset.

Returns a summary of a rollcall vote object.

speech_rollcall(file, add.error.sir = NULL, rm.error.leg = NULL)

# S3 method for nominal
summary(object, ...)



list or character vector specifying the path or URL to a PDF file. It can be one or more files.


character vector. It allows to specify different ways in which the term that orders the speeches could be miswritten: sir. By default it is NULL.


character vector. It allows to add legislator's names to be eliminated. By default it is NULL. By default, "PRESIDENTE", "SECRETARIO", "SUBSECRETARIO", and "MINISTRO" are eliminated.


an object of class nominal, the output of speech_rollcall.


additional parameter.


data.frame with the following variables:

  • legislator: Name of the legislator

  • vote: Voting, 1 = affirmative, 0 = Negative

  • argument:If the legislator justifies the vote, it is worth 1, otherwise 0.

  • speech: Speech

  • chamber: Chamber

  • date: Date

  • legislature: Legislature

  • rollcall: Number of roll-call in session

  • id: Id

  • sex: Sex of legislator

data.frame with the following variables:

  • Chamber: Chamber

  • Date: Date

  • Legislators: Number of legislators in the voting

  • Affirmative: Number of affirmative votes

  • Negative: Number of negative votes

  • prop_AF: Proportion of affirmative votes

  • prop_NG: Proportion of negative votes

  • prop_women: Proportion of women in the voting

  • prop_arg: Proportion of legislators justifying the vote

  • rc: Number of roll-call in session


This function detects roll-call votes on floor speeches. It only detects votes where the vote can be affirmative or negative. This leaves out a set of roll-call votes, such as those for the allocation of positions in the chamber.


# \donttest{
# url <- speech::speech_url(chamber = "D", from = "14-04-2004", to = "14-04-2004")
# out <- speech_rollcall(file = url)
# summary(out)
# }