Electoral volatility calculation: Pedersen (1979), Powell and Tucker (2014) and Torcal and Lago (2015).

  threshold = 2,
  summary = FALSE,
  digits = 2,
  scale = 100



data.frame that contains the following variables with these names:

  • election: year of election.

  • unit: the unit of analysis (province, department ...)

  • party: name of the political parties that obtain votes.

  • votes: votes obtained by each party.

  • M: magnitude of the district. Only if the method = 3. It refers to the M + 1 rule (only 'M' must be loaded).

If the data is not structured in this way you can order it with: convert_esaps.


Method to calculate electoral volatility:

  • method = "Pedersen" or method = 1.

  • method = "Powell and Tucker" or method = 2.

  • method = "Torcal and Lago" or method = 3.


Minimum threshold for 'Type A' electoral volatility calculation (Powell and Tucker, 2014). By default is 2%.


Summary of data by unit, by default it is FALSE.


integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used.


By default it is 100, the indices will vary between 0 and 100. If scale = 1 the variation will be between 0 and 1.


if summary = FALSE, return data.frame.

if summary = TRUE, return a list with two data.frame.

  • list[[1]] Indicator

  • list[[2]] Summary by 'unit'

    • min variable 'election'

    • max variable 'election'

    • number of elections

    • mean indicator

    • standard deviation indicator


Nicolas Schmidt nschmidt@cienciassociales.edu.uy


votes <- data.frame(election = rep(c(1995, 2000, 2005, 2010),4), unit = "ARG", party = rep(c("party_A","party_B","party_C","party_D"), each = 4), votes = c(30,30,20,20,30,50,40,30,30,10,30,25,10,10,10,25)) evolat(votes, 1)
#> election unit eVolat #> 1 2000 ARG 20 #> 2 2005 ARG 20 #> 3 2010 ARG 15
evolat(tidy_data = votes, method = 1, summary = TRUE)
#> [[1]] #> election unit eVolat #> 1 2000 ARG 20 #> 2 2005 ARG 20 #> 3 2010 ARG 15 #> #> [[2]] #> unit first_elec last_elec election mean_volat sd_volat #> 1 ARG 2000 2010 3 18.33 2.89 #>