The Effective Number of Parties (ENP) is an index developed by Laakso and Taagepera (1979) that allows to count the relevant parties in a party system. The formula consists on dividing one over the sum of the squares of the proportions (votes or seats) that the parties obtain in an electoral instance.

enp(tidy_data, enp_seats = FALSE, summary = FALSE)



data.frame that contains the following variables with these names:

  • election: year of election.

  • unit: the unit of analysis (province, department ...)

  • party: name of the political parties that obtain votes.

  • votes: votes obtained by each party.

  • seats: .

If the data is not structured in this way you can order it with: convert_esaps.


enp_seats = TRUE allows us to calculate jointly the effective number of electoral parties and in the congress.


Summary of the data by unit, by default it is FALSE.


if summary = FALSE, return data.frame.

if summary = TRUE, return a list with two data.frame.

  • list[[1]] Indicator

  • list[[2]] Summary

    • min variable 'election'

    • max variable 'election'

    • number of elections

    • mean indicator


Nicolas Schmidt


votes <- data.frame(election = rep(c(2000, 2005), each = 4), unit = rep(c("ARG", "URY"), each = 4), party = c("party_A", "party_B","party_C","party_D"), votes = c(20, 20, 50, 10, 30, 35, 25, 10), seats = c(25, 25, 40, 10, 30, 30, 30, 10) ) enp(votes)
#> election unit enp #> 1 2000 ARG 2.94 #> 2 2005 URY 3.51
enp(votes, enp_seats = TRUE)
#> election unit enp enp_c #> 1 2000 ARG 2.94 3.39 #> 2 2005 URY 3.51 3.57
enp(votes, summary = TRUE)
#> [[1]] #> election unit enp #> 1 2000 ARG 2.94 #> 2 2005 URY 3.51 #> #> [[2]] #> unit min.election max.election n.election mean_enp sd_enp #> 1 ARG 2000 2000 1 2.94 NA #> 2 URY 2005 2005 1 3.51 NA #>