Subsetted version of a time-series-cross-sectional (TSCS) dataset used in Walter (2015). It has data on duration of post-war peace as well as information on other relevant economic and political data.
A data frame with 1237 rows and 13 variables
Walter, Barbara F. (2015), Why Bad Governance Leads to Repeat Civil War, Journal of Conflict Resolution 59(7), 1242 - 1272.
last observation year.
binary variable coded as 1 if the war was fought.
Freedom House civil liberties index.
log of per capita GDP in 2005 dollars.
combatants signed comprehensive peace agreement.
end of previous war with outright victory.
dummy that indicates whether there was a positive or negative change in the Polity 2 score in the previous country-year.
deaths per year -- logged.
index of ethnic fractionalization.
number of UN peacekeepers on the ground.
country code.
unique conflict identifier.